Review of the most effective means of fleas for cats
Every owner of a tender purring pet faced the problem of the appearance on the pet's body. a flea - insects feeding on his blood. Bloodsuckers make cats suffer not only.A large accumulation of parasites can cause discomfort to people living in an apartment, in addition, they dangerous to humans. That is why it is necessary to know effective remedies for fleas for cats.
Insect features
Cat fleas are wingless blood-sucking insects living in the fur of an animal. They have a specially arranged oral apparatus, with which bites through the skin of the cat and suck blood from the wound. A high degree of mobility is provided by a flattened body and long hind legs. Flea briskly moves among the cat's hair thanks to a rounded front head. The body of the parasite is covered with bristles and spines, facilitating its movement.
What are dangerous fleas
The result of a flea bite is unbearable itching, which can result in the development of allergic dermatitis. An insect bite is not safe for an animal, as it can provoke the development of various diseases:
- Weakening of immunity;
- Development of anemia;
- Infectious and fungal diseases;
- Hair loss;
- The appearance of worms.
Symptoms of infection
Anti-flea agent should be used only afteras you make sure the bloodsuckers are in the animal's fur. The presence of insects is characterized by the following features:
- Frequent itching in different parts of the body. A cat or a cat constantly scratches its back and sides with its paws.
- The presence in the pet's coat of eggs and traces of life of fleas, resembling grains of salt and black pepper. They are not difficult to notice when visually inspecting the cat's fur.
- Multiple wounds resulting from itching.
- The presence of an allergic reaction under the coat of the animal.
- You can detect fleas in a cat while swimming: parasites jump into the water themselves when the pet's hair gets wet.
- When combing the cat's hair with a fine comb, parasites can also be found.
Cat fleas can feed on the blood of not only animals, but also people. Therefore, finding parasites in your cat, you should immediately apply an effective remedy for fleas in cats.
What are the remedies for cat fleas
Today, the market is replete with various flea products from a cat. Their composition may differ, but the presence of an insecticide is mandatory.The active substance does not harm the health of the animal, but it is deadly for parasites. Insecticidal preparations are in the form:
- Spray;
- Pills;
- Capel;
- Shampoos;
- Collar;
- Injections;
- Powder.
The sprays
Flea spray in cats is one of the most effective and effective means that should be used when there are too many parasites. Some drugs can be highly toxic, so their use requires special care to avoid contact with the mucous membranes and eyes of a pet. Spray is not recommended for pregnant and nursing cats. The most effective drugs for fleas:
- Leopard - affordable domestic flea and tick spray for cats. The effect is achieved after the first application. It requires special care when used, as it contains permethrin, an active substance that can cause an allergic reaction;
- Flea spray for cats Hearts is a low-toxic drug that can be used to treat even two-month-old kittens. The use of the drug involves the immediate destruction of parasites. It is recommended as a prophylactic agent (before the cat leaves onstreet);
- Frontline is almost safe for animal health. Due to the content of fipronil, the drug has a neuroparalytic effect on parasitic insects. The active substance, getting into the sebaceous glands, retains its effect for several days. It is recommended to use the spray as a prophylactic agent not only for adult cats, but also for small kittens and pregnant cats.
It is preferable to spray the cat in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. The maximum effect is achieved with a uniform application of funds. After 20-30 minutes, the pet must be combed to get rid of dead insects. So that the parasites do not disturb the cat, again it is necessary to spray and treat its litter for rest.
The easiest, but less popular way of breeding fleas in cats is to use pills. They must be taken orally with food. Remedy safe for cat's health. However, before use, you should consult a veterinarian, as in some animals there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug in the form of vomiting and disorders.
Comfortis tablets are one of the drugs that are in demand among fluffy pet owners. The active substance is spinosad, a poison that acts on the nervous system of the insect. The bloodsuckers begin to die 30 minutes after taking the drug. The dignity of this medicine can be attributed to the negative impact on the reproductive system of parasites (if the flea can survive after the baiting, it can no longer have any offspring). Not recommended for pregnant and lactating animals, as well as kittens up to 3 months.
Drops - Another flea medicine for cats. The drug can be used both for the destruction of insects and for prevention. Anti-flea drops are ideal for cats that spend a lot of time on the street.
To rid the cat of fleas, it is necessary to spread the fur at the withers and squeeze out the number of drops specified in the instructions from the bottle. The active substance begins to act almost instantly. The effect of the drug lasts for a month.
The most effective flea drops from the following brands:
- Stronghold - the drug is very popular among owners of furry pets. The tool destroys adult fleas and their larvae on the cat's body, and provides for the prevention of infection of the animal for a month;
- Dana Ulra Neo - an effective remedy for cat fleas, the active substance of which is diazinon. Through the skin, the poison enters the body of the parasite, causing its death;
- Front line - A well-proven agent that can rid a cat of fleas and ticks within 24 hours. The effect of the drug lasts for a month. Drops can be used to treat kittens older than 2 months;
- Leopard - a good flea medicine for cats, the advantage of which is the ability to destroy both adult fleas and their larvae.
- 4 with a tail. The composition of the drug only components of plant origin, so they are safe for the health of pets. Drops have a beneficial effect on the hair and skin of the animal, have antifungal effect, have a protective effect against fleas and ticks.
- Rolf club 3 d. An effective drug that protects the animal from fleas, its action lasts for two months.
Cat owners also prefer to purchase drops: Blohnet, Helminthal, Celandine, Delicious, Lawyer.
Flea shampoo - The safest way to fight bloodsucking insects. Many pet owners find it better to use them than toxic sprays. The tool has an effect only on an adult, the eggs in the wool remain alive. To enhance the effect you need to use shampoo in combination with flea drops.
Most detergents include components that care for a pet's pet and remove irritation from the skin. Many shampoos can be used to treat small kittens from bloodsuckers.
The following brands are popular:
- Leopard - reliably eliminating parasite shampoo, the effect of which is evident already after the first use. The tool is made on the basis of plants with insecticidal properties, and essential oils. They perfectly clean the cat's fur from insects, making it soft and fluffy. The shampoo is recommended for the treatment of the monthly kittens;
- Rolf Club - insecticidal shampoo designed to combat insect parasites. The detergent applied to the cat's fur should be washed off after 7 minutes. During water procedures, you should carefully monitor the animal to prevent licking of the drug;
- Meadow zoo shampoo effective for the destruction of not only fleas, but also ticks. A positive result is observed after the first application;
- Well proven shampoo Mr. Kiss - a Swiss-made drug for the destruction of insects and parasitic care for animal hair. Ideal for long-haired cats from fleas and kittens by the age of 1 month.
Collar - It is an indispensable tool in the fight against insects living in the fur of the animal. - It is an indispensable tool in the fight against insects living in the fur of the animal. Used as a prophylactic against fleas. The collar is recommended for use after treating the cat's hair with an anti-flea shampoo. The period of validity of such an accessory is 2-3 months. After this time, the insecticidal substances evaporate, as a result of which the collar becomes unsuitable for use.
The lack of flea collars is the possibility of irritation under them. This is especially true in hot weather. Unpleasant smell - another negative point of such a tool. The use of collars is not recommended for pregnant and lactating animals. Kittens are allowed to wear them upon reaching the age of three months.
The following brands have proven themselves:
- Collar Hearts - the best remedy for fleas in cats. After opening the packaging, the effect persists for 7 months. Therefore, to protect the cat from parasites in the warm period, a single product is enough. The collar's uniqueness lies in its resistance to wetting: the accessory is destructive for parasites even in the wet state;
- Volfo - more prestigious option, as evidenced by its value. In addition to the effect of water resistance, the manufacturer has provided a system for separating collars. The product for an animal is selected in accordance with its body weight, which provides the necessary concentration of the active substance and eliminates the likelihood of overdose with toxins.
The action of the collar lasts only for 4 months, and from ticks - no more than three; - Dr. Zoo is a fairly effective product of domestic production. The active ingredients that make up the collar are safe for the health of the animal. The short period of validity (2 months) is a lack of this product.
Collars are also popular: Leopard, Beafar, Celandine.
Flea prick for cats is quite an effective method of breeding insects. However, it is far from every fluffy pet owner to independently inject an injection to a cat. The best option is to visit a veterinarian. Flea medicine for cats is able to provide protection against insects even when dealing with infected animals. Anti-flea injections are contraindicated in lactating and pregnant cats, as well as small kittens.
Powder or powder - a safe means of combating parasites for kittens and pregnant cats. The drug must be applied to the pet's body and thoroughly rubbed into its skin. An animal with a long and fluffy coat will not give the proper result.
Powder Hearts - an effective drug for fleas, made on the basis of permethrin. It must be rubbed into the cat's hair against hair growth.This method will ensure a uniform distribution of the substance over the surface of the skin. The powder is not suitable for use with sick animals and small kittens. It is not recommended to treat the animal for people with allergies.
Folk remedies
There are also folk remedies for breeding fleas in cats. Safety and availability are their main advantages. In addition, such drugs will cost much less.
- You can buy at any pharmacy or department of household chemicals tar soap. It is used not only for the destruction of parasites, but also for various dermatitis. Suitable for small kittens and puppies.
The principle of application is simple: it is necessary to soap the animal's hair with soap and leave for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. - You can get rid of fleas pet with the help of a saline solution, which is made in the proportion of 0.5 kg of salt per 10 liters of water. Animal neck is placed in the solution for 5 minutes. Then carefully rinse the wool with clean water. When the cat dries, it is necessary to comb out the dead parasites using a fine comb.
- Scares off parasites and the smell of garlic.4-5 cloves finely chopped and pour 3 cups of water. The solution must be infused for 12 hours, after which they can wipe the cat's hair in the area of the withers and along the spine (to avoid licking).
You can use garlic in another way: add a little beer yeast to the garlic tincture. Such an ointment will scare away any parasite. - You can bathe the cat in decoction of wormwood, eucalyptus and tansy. The smell of these herbs can not tolerate not only fleas, but also bugs, and even mosquitoes. Geranium leaves and lavender leaves have a similar effect.
- To destroy parasites, it is necessary to treat not only the animal, but also the litter on which it sleeps.
To get rid of fleas in a cat can be in different ways. What means is better for your pet: the doctor will tell you the medicine, injection, spray or drops, taking into account the individual characteristics of the pet.
Svetlana: My cat was helped to get rid of flea drops “Bars”. We were recommended by the veterinarian to whom we turned, after finding fleas. Kapnuli and two months you can live in peace.
Yevgeny: We regularly buy a cat “Hearts” for the cat. The result is impressive - neither the animal nor the fleas bother us.And this is despite the fact that we spend all summer in the country, where the cat walks by itself.
Nina: Our cat likes to take a walk on the street, and in the basement of the house there are cats infected with fleas. From time to time I use anti-flea shampoo. As a preventive measure, in addition to the Rolf Club shampoo, I regularly bathe the cat in a mixture of tansy and wormwood, after which I comb the wool. Fleas do not bother my pet!