Fly speed

Flying fly
Flying fly

The speed of the fly develops up to 6.4 km per hour, however, this is not the most exciting. The study of aerodynamics, the trajectory of movement involved the leading scientific institutions around the world. Aerodynamics is compared with the flight of an unidentified flying object. For many years of numerous researches it was not possible to reveal the secret to the end. The insect that is found everywhere, every day annoys a person with its presence, is the most important object for research.

Fly aerodynamics

Scientists compare the insect and its capabilities with a flying saucer. It can quietly hover in the air, make jerks in different directions, without gaining pre-acceleration,quickly takes off, sharply lands, perfectly keeps on a horizontal, vertical surface. The most important mystery for scientists that they have not yet been able to solve is how she keeps upside down on the ceilingand then calmly roll over during the flight.


Having solved the mystery of aerodynamics, scientists will be able to create a perfect aircraft, which will become the main military achievement.

The trajectory of the fly is difficult to calculate. It quickly changes direction, flies in zigzags, right, left, down, up. Fast, instant response provides compound eye, which allows you to see around its axis. Breaks into the air before a person blows decently.

Flight features:

  1. Moving in different directions, freezing, maneuverability.
  2. Positioning upside down.
  3. The ability to fly long distances without stopping.
  4. High flight speed.

With a fly in aerodynamics, no insect can match the speed. The main goal of scientists is to solve the mystery.

Speed ​​achievements

The fly flies up to 3 km without stopping. To overcome this distance, we need good reasons. Contributing factors are food, egg laying, mating for procreationas well as adverse climatic conditions. By the end of summer, pests willingly move from the wild to people’s homes, apartments, and farm outbuildings.

Fly speeds are up to 6.4 km per hour. This ability provides greater survival in nature. Easily hiding from enemies, finds favorable conditions for existence, the source of food.

The aircraft is extremely simple - a pair of transparent wings, halter instead of fenders. The absence of the second pair of wings allows them to hang in the air, it is easy to change the trajectory, to develop speed.

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