The structure of the fly
The structure of the fly is simple in appearance, but if you start to understand it, it’s very difficult. Insects are a subject for research of many scientific centers, institutes, the secret of some of their abilities has not yet been disclosed. How much a fly weighs is a frequently asked question. The elastic abdomen can stretch during pregnancy, nutrition, so the weight varies and differs in females, males.
Fly Anatomy - External Structure
The general plan of the structure of dipterans, the skeleton of a fly is the same as that of other insects - the head, chest, abdomen. On the head is the oral apparatus, antennas, eyes. The chest consists of three segments, with a pair of transparent wings, three pairs of legs. The space in the chest is filled with powerful muscles. The abdomen includes most of the digestive organs, the reproductive system.
On a note!
Flies have a pronounced sexual dimorphism, when the appearance and structure of the female is different from the male.
Fly head
Includes organs of sight, nutrition, hearing.
- Mouth apparatus. Regardless differences in the diet of many species of fliestheir oral apparatus is represented by a proboscis of sucking, licking type. A pair of expanded blades of the upper, lower lip contacts the food. The jaws of the fly are powerful. Numerous canals converge into the fly's proboscis, at its central point. The fly’s mouth apparatus, which feeds on blood, is additionally equipped with hard, sharp scales that perform the function of teeth, help pierce the skin of an animal, a person. Liquid is drawn into the head with a pharyngeal pump.
- Eyes occupy most of the head. Make up complex system, which was taken as the basis for the development of a modern photo camera. Consist of many simple eyes that look outside, like a facet mesh. Insect receives a comprehensive, but mosaic image of objects. Each eye includes several hundred, thousand facets. At room flies there are about 4 thousand. Many species have 3 simple ocelli located on the crown. This structure allows you to instantly capture the movement, but does not give a complete picture of the image.
- Antennae. Peculiar antennas perform the function of a landmark. Help to catch odors, determine the direction of movement. In the process of evolution they changed, there are differences in males, females.
Males always have more eyes than females. That allows them to react to movement faster, to better assess the environment. In females, the olfactory system is more developed, with the help of which it finds a favorable environment for laying eggs.
It consists of three segments - anterior, middle, posterior thorax. The bones of the fly and the main part of the musculature provide flight, therefore the middle part is most developed. How many legs a fly has - 3 pairs.Each consists of 5 parts, has its own powerful muscles. The structure of the paws of the fly ends with claws, suckers, which allow the insect to stay on a vertical, horizontal surface and even upside down. When walking, soft pads are compressed, sticky secretions stand out. This feature helps flies to freely hold and mix over the window glass and smooth surface.
On a note!
Paws are one of the main senses - smell. Insect insect determines the taste of food, analyzes the quality. After a few seconds of analysis, starts eating or flies away.
Wings of a fly
Upper well developed, transparent, webbed. Rear pair deformed into appendages - halter. Maintain balance in flight, allow you to hang in the air, and also make a buzzing sound. Thin wings reinforced cylindrical veins.
In the process flight an insect can turn off one or the other wing, drastically change the trajectory of movement, perform complex maneuvers, take off without prior acceleration. The structure and ability of the insect was taken as the basis of many aircraft structures in airplanes, helicopters.
Has a cylindrical shape, elongated, consists of 10 segments, includes organs of a fly, responsible for reproduction, respiration, nutrition, and other important functions. The elastic chitinous cover expands as food is received, during pregnancy. Therefore, the weight of the fly varies depending on these conditions.
Ordinary home or indoor fly weighs 12 mg, during pregnancy, the weight increases to 15 mg. Until the same figure can increase the weight after a meal. The male has a smaller size, weighs about 12 mg. In one gram contains about 80 of these insects.
The face of a fly can be easily viewed under a microscope, but when carefully examined with the naked eye, an elongated oral apparatus is seen, large eyes of green, red, yellow, brown, blue color. Ears flies are located on different parts of the body, help to capture the vibrations of the air, ultrasound.
Internal structure
How a fly breathes, can it think whether it has memory and other questions that often interest an ordinary person who has come across pests more than once.
Reproductive system
The internal genital organs are located in the abdomen and consist of the testes in males, eggs in females, adnexal glands, ducts.The shape of the external appendages in different types of dipterans differs. The structure of special "captures" in males is the only clear sign of the difference in the genus. At once, the female housefly lays from 70 to 150 eggs, depending on the species. Among meat (corpse) flies There are viviparous species. Reproduced to light maggots in the same large number.
Digestive system
In the abdomen is a large part of the digestive organs - the intestines, goiter, malpighian vessels, leading to the tubule. As such, the digestive organ is not, food is digested from the outside, enters the goiter in a ready-made form. Before the absorption of food, the fly initially secretes a secret that digests the food.
Other organs systems
The brain of a fly is represented by a multitude of nerve plexuses located in different parts of the body. Such a complex system, as in humans, there are no animals. The brain plays the main role in coordinating the behavior of an insect, but a completely different organ is responsible for the reflexes - the reflex arc. The tiny brain consists of hundreds of thousands of neurons and, despite the seeming simplicity of the structure, allows flies to do incredible stunts.
On a note!
The nervous system and brain allow insects to determine the correct direction of movement in the opposite direction from danger in a fraction of a millisecond. There is enough memory for only 3 seconds, there is no intelligence in its full understanding.
The circulatory system is represented by the aorta, pterygoid muscle, spinal vessel, and heart. However, the heart of the fly has an extremely simple structure, does not perform the functions that a person, animals. The blood of the fly is yellowish or colorless. Its main function is the transfer of nutrients. Does not participate in the saturation of organs with oxygen, does not contain red blood cells.
The respiratory system is represented by multiple tracheas throughout the body. It opens outward with the help of spiracles. Trachea branch out into numerous capillaries, have a complex structure. They deliver oxygen directly to various organs and tissues. 10 pairs of spiracles are developed, 2 pairs on the chest, the rest on the belly.