How to get a fly out of your ear at home
If the fly has flown in your ear, you can not pull it out with solid objects. Such actions may entail negative consequences ....
How flies appear
How flies breed. The life span of insects varies depending on the ambient temperature, as well as the availability of a power source.
How to quickly kill a fly
How to kill a fly or why it is difficult to catch it. The insect's faceted eyes allow you to capture appearing and disappearing objects in the field ...
Why flies land on humans
The question of why flies sit on people often arises when annoying insects are found indoors.Food and heat emanating from the body ...
How and what to treat the ears of a dog from flies
If the flies gnaw the ears of the dog, it is necessary to urgently use a means to scare them. Otherwise, the probability is high ...
Drosophila Flies
Where do flies of flies come from. How they look and where they live. How dangerous for humans. How to get rid of fruit flies and not ...
Description and photo of tsetse fly
What a tsetse fly looks like. How many species of these insects exist in nature. Habitat and preferred living conditions. What diseases ...
A fly that lays larvae under human skin
What flies lay the larvae in man and how they do it. The danger of their penetration into the human body. How to treat...
How many frames per second does a fly see and how many eyes does it have
The answer to the question of how many eyes a fly will be of interest to everyone, because insects have unique visual abilities that allow you to control all the surrounding space.
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Information about flies.

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