Ants Bulldogs

A large group of insects, including more than 90 species of representatives. Ants bulldogs (Myrmecia gulosa) are common in Australia. Of greatest interest are red, black. Insect bites cause severe, prolonged pain, severe allergic reactions in a person, often resulting in anaphylactic shock. According to some reports, in Australia from the bites of bulldog ant kills more people than from spiders, snakes, sharks.

Features of appearance

Are the largest ants on the globe.The length of the body is 4 cm. The uterus is 0.5 cm at the most, which indicates an incomplete stage of evolution. In one nest there can be several females and males ready to take the place of the uterus after her death.

A distinctive feature is the large, long, jagged jaws protruding forward. In appearance, ants resemble wasps devoid of wings. In the photo you can see the representative of the genus. The red ant bulldog differs from black in a bright red body color. Its kind of insect warns of mortal danger.

Ants Bulldogs
Ants Bulldogs


Thanks to developed limbs, ants bulldogs are great jump. One jump reaches a length of 50 cm. And also overcome a body of water 15 cm wide.


The black ant bulldog, like the red one, digs the ground well, erecting anthill deep underground. But the home is different primitive structure, much inferior to the architecture of fellows. The colony is small, rarely reaching several thousand individuals. Whereas others species of ants the family of an anthill has millions of individuals.

Ants living in the arid climate of Austria require moisture for the emergence of larvae.For this reason, insects build nests at a depth of several meters.


Voracious larvae are fattened by other insects, because protein is needed for full growth. Adults eat the juices of plants, fruits, carrion. Ants bulldogs without any doubts come to grips with large insects - wasps, spiders, often triumph.

Insects are not able to pass on to each other the remnants of undigested food, instead they lay the so-called protein eggs, which save from hunger in difficult times.


Among the ant bulldogs developed parasitism. Uterus sneaks into the anthill of other species, kills the true queen, takes its place. The working ants of another species serve the killer until they are completely replaced by the larvae of enemies.


The uterus gives life to a new family, lays the foundation of an anthill. Mating occurs once, after which the female lays eggs throughout life, forming a colony of working individuals.


Unlike other species, ants bulldogs have the ability to mating there are many females living in the same dwelling.They reproduce ants, increasing the number of colonies, but do not claim to be the queen. In nature, there are cases of the existence of such families for several years.

Mating occurs on the fly in young females and males once a year. Flying ants look very scary. After that, the males die, the females scatter in the vicinity, go deep into the ground, lay eggs. Unlike other species, the uterus does not grow to gigantic proportions.

Features ants bulldogs
Features ants bulldogs

Larvae appear independently and do not need the help of adults. They gnaw through the eggshell, are selected without much effort.


Ants bulldogs are found in the wild, not selected to the dwelling of man. People near an anthill risk getting numerous bites. By the strength of the painful sensations they are the most tangible.

On guard of an anthill are always several adult individuals. At the sight of the danger signal to the rest. In seconds, a large insect colony attacks a person. When bites inject poison, which causes a terrible allergic reaction with possible death.


Despite the terrifying characteristics of the genus, the Bulldogs are also victims of an attack. They are defeated by numerous small army black ants. The family of which has several million individuals.

Ants bulldogs are among the most dangerous creatures on the planet. In Australia they write about these creatures interesting facts about ants in local newspapers, warn about the danger, give statistics. The bulldog genus is a subject of constant study. A few years ago, another 90 were added to the 90 species studied earlier.

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