How to make scraping on pinworm eggs
Scrapes on pinworms are carried out in order to diagnose a parasitic disease enterobiasis. During the study, helminth eggs, which are an indicator of the presence of worms in the intestine, are detected. For a more accurate diagnosis shown study feces and blood.
Analysis features
To carry out scraping of pinworm eggs, expensive equipment and special preparation are not required. Despite this, the study relates to effective methods that allow to detect the waste products of parasites.
On a note!
Differently scraping pinworms are called smear on enterobiosis, perianal scraping or analysis on eggs of worm.
Given the cyclical nature of the development of parasites, it is sometimes not possible to detect larvae in usual places of clutch. In this case, the doctor prescribes the delivery of feces in order to detect not only the eggs, but also the individuals themselves.
The most accurate study is a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies to pinworms. This is a modern and effective method, but it is prescribed only when it is impossible to identify the worms in other ways.
Who is shown scraping
Donating scraping on the eggs of pinworms must be put to children when passing the medical commission to kindergarten or school. Adult examination is shown in professional activities related to the food industry and catering.
On a note!
It is also recommended to take tests for pinworms in a child who does not attend children's institutions on a regular basis.Toddlers are more likely to become infected due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and due to low acidity in the stomach, which allows the larvae to safely enter the intestine.
A smear on enterobiosis is additionally given to people of any age when hospitalizing in a hospital, traveling to a sanatorium, or when making a certificate for the pool. In addition to general indications, there are clinical signs in which it is necessary to pass scraping on pinworms:
- itching of the anus, worse at night;
- increased or decreased appetite and body weight;
- pain and bloating in the stomach;
- genital itching in women and girls;
- increased nervousness and unreasonable weakness, accompanied by other symptoms.
Even in the absence of clinical manifestations of enterobiosis, it is recommended that each person be examined for helminths at least once a year.
An itch in the anus is the most important clinical manifestation of enterobiosis, requiring immediate examination for helminths. The reason for visiting the doctor may also be the visual detection of worms in the stool.
Where and how to test for pinworms
When conducting scheduled medical examinations, the study on enterobiosis is carried out in a bacteriological laboratory to which a medical institution is attached. Scraping on pinworms can be done after visiting the doctor and receiving a referral. With complaints that suspect worming in adults, you need to contact the therapist, and children to the pediatrician.
Taking a smear is carried out in the morning before emptying the bowel. If the parasite is not found the first time, the study is repeated for three days.
You can not wash the anus before taking a scrap on pinworms, it will give a false result.
Technique of smear on pinworm eggs
The procedure is carried out in two main ways in which using cotton swabs or adhesive tape. Both techniques are aimed at the detection of larvae in places of laying. The position of the patient while taking a smear on enterobiosis depends on age. The kids are laid on their side on the couch. Adults and teenagers stand and lean forward slightly.
Scraping method | Technique of |
With a cotton swab | The cotton swab is smeared with sterile glycerin or moistened with saline before the procedure.The specialist pushes the buttocks of the patient apart and wipes the anus area with a sterile stick with rotational movements. Materials are cleaned in a special container with a lid, to prevent additional contamination with pathological flora. A smear on enterobiosis is examined within a period not later than 8 hours from the moment of taking. Later, the picture may be false or erased. |
With adhesive tape | The technician takes a sterile adhesive tape and applies it to the patient's anus for a few seconds. Then the tape is applied to the slide and sent for analysis. The time of studying the material for enterobiasis is not more than 8 hours from the moment of the procedure. |
The test for pinworm eggs is painless and takes several minutes. It is held in a separate room or behind a special screen.
On a note!
Scraping for enterobiasis is a simple, affordable and effective method for the timely detection of helminths.
Stool analysis
Detect individuals worms helps the study of feces for pinworms. It is prescribed in the absence of eggs in a scraping or with a comprehensive examination of parasites. It is not always possible to detect pinworms in feces.For this you need to explore the morning material and preferably in the form of heat.
To collect feces, the patient is given a special container with a stick and a lid. After emptying, samples should be taken from three different points. Children are allowed to collect the analysis of the pot, pre-scalded pot of boiling water.
To obtain reliable results, the study of feces on pinworms spend several days in a row or with a short break. If it is impossible to pass the analysis in the morning, it is allowed to study evening feces, but only if the material is stored in the lower sections of the refrigerator.
Before taking feces for enterobiosis, laxatives and other medicines should not be taken.
To diagnose pinworm infection, sometimes there is not enough research on feces and smear. There is a more reliable method - a blood test for enterobiosis. It helps to identify the presence of inflammation caused by alien organisms. Helminths provoke changes in the chemical composition of the blood and contribute to the increase in the number of eosinophils in clinical analysis.
Eosinophils increase due to an allergic reaction to worms.Also in the blood of patients with helminthic invasion, a decrease in hemoglobin due to intoxication processes provoked by the decay products of worms can be detected.
Modern method of PCR
The analysis of enterobiasis using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most accurate study. The method is based on determining the level of immunoglobulins and helps to detect antibodies to pinworms.
For analysis, blood is taken from a vein and examined with the help of specific enzymes at the DNA level. The PCR method allows you to accurately determine the type of parasite and the degree of infection.
After anti-parasitic therapy, the analysis of PCR diagnostics can produce a false positive result for three months. This is due to the persistence of antibodies to parasites in the blood even after their death.
Test results and validity
The results of scraping on enterobiosis are usually ready in a day. Feces for parasites are examined from 1 to 6 days. A blood test with the determination of hemoglobin level and the number of eosinophils should be waited for 1 to 3 days.
The PCR diagnostic method can last from a week to 1 month. The timing often depends on the workload of the laboratory or the profile of the institution. Private clinics usually conduct research faster, sometimes within 2 hours.
The duration of the analysis of feces and scrapes for pinworms up to 10 days. After this time expires, a certificate confirming the absence of parasites will be invalid. PCR research is not determined by the timing of action, as it is carried out for additional diagnostics. The analysis is not an indicator for obtaining a medical certificate.
The cost of the survey
In public health clinics scrapes for enterobiosis and feces can be carried out free of charge under the medical insurance policy. A blood test is done as part of a standard examination, and it will not cost anything either.
In private clinics, the cost of studying a perianal smear or feces for pinworms is an average of 400 rubles. PCR diagnostics for one type of parasite can cost up to 900 rubles, depending on the region.
When conducting PCR analysis, it is recommended to simultaneously check for other types of worms that cause similar symptoms.
What to do if eggs were found in scrapings
Enterobiasis is a very common disease, especially in children. With positive results do not need to panic. Worm invasions are well treated. For the expulsion of parasites, there are a number of drugs that are prescribed to both adults and children in different dosages. After treatment, prevention of repeated infections should be carried out by following the rules of personal hygiene.
When diagnosing enterobiasis in one family member, antiparasitic treatment is prescribed to all living in the same room, regardless of the results of their analyzes.
If you suspect enterobiasis in children or adults should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Timely diagnosis allows you to get rid of parasites quickly and without consequences. Helminth medications almost do not cause side effects and are well tolerated.
No need to waste time, considering the disease shameful. According to statistics, pinworms infect up to 50% of children under the age of 14 years and about 9% of adults. In addition, pathology can cause serious complications up to appendicitis and peritonitis.