What do pinworm eggs look like?
Enterobiasis is the most common type of helminthic invasion.Most often, pinworm eggs are detected in children, but it happens that adults are also infected. The disease is often diagnosed in the majority of members of the same family or group visited by the child.
What are pinworm eggs look like
It is impossible to see pinworm eggs with the naked eye because of their very small size: 0.02–0.03 mm in diameter and 0.05–0.06 mm in length. Examine what the pinworm egg looks like is possible only with a microscope. In the photo of pinworm eggs, made at a high magnification, you can see that they have the appearance of an uneven oval of a flattened-convex shape. Colorless eggs with a translucent shell have a double contour. Inside the egg is a larva with a gray tint.
Detect helminth eggs in the human body is possible only with the help of special tests. Self-determination of pinworm invasion is possible by the characteristic symptoms of enterobiosis or by detecting dead pinworms in feces. Observe the deposition of eggs of worms without a strong magnification with a microscope impossible.
On a note!
The eggs are so small that they easily and imperceptibly move from the anus area to the linen, hands, into the air.Together with dust, they can spread throughout the house and be on any surface. The result is often the spread of the disease among people living together or staying long in the same room.
Is it possible to see adult individuals
Pinworms are a type of worms that feel great in the human intestinal tract. Have the appearance of small rounded nematode-type worms. The length of their body reaches from 0.5 to 1.2 cm. Females are twice as large as males. Pinworms have a pointed white bodily shape with a slight thickening - suction cup (vesicle) in front of the body near the mouth. It helps to secure the worm to the inner intestinal lining.
Mature individuals feed on intestinal contents and carrier blood. The products of their functioning are secreted into the patient’s body and lead to gradual intoxication.
On a note!
It happens that pinworms can be seen in the fecal masses of a person with invasion. At a glance, they look like gray or whitish ripped pieces of thread.
The life cycle of pinworms and eggs
Pinworms parasitize only in the human body.Animals can only be random carriers of worms eggs. The life cycle of pinworms is 20–40 days and begins with the pinworm’s eggs being swallowed by a child or an adult. This can happen with dirty hands, water, unwashed fruits, berries, vegetables. Also, the cause of infection can be contact with a previously ill person: a handshake, the use of common dishes, linen, bed.
Eggs are located first in the small intestine, the larvae are attached to its walls. In favorable conditions, their development, growth and fertilization. 15–30 days after infection, the larvae become adults capable of breeding on their own.
After fertilization of pinworms, the male will die and hatch with feces. The pregnant female moves to the large intestine and then to the anus to lay eggs.
On a note!
The pinworm is chosen outward most often during the sleep of a person, while the muscles of his intestine and anus are relaxed. One female pinworm is able to lay up to 13 thousand eggs at a time.
After egg-laying, the pinworm returns to the intestine, where it also dies.Promotion of pinworms causes itching in the anus. When scratching, laid eggs spread further.
Development features
Pinworm eggs develop only in favorable conditions. Such are the temperature conditions in the range of 34-36 degrees Celsius and humidity from 70 to 90%. Therefore, the best place to lay eggs is the skin around the anus of a person. 6 hours after laying, the eggs ripen and spread on the skin, underwear, fall under the nails, on the hair of domestic animals. If the hygienic requirements are not fulfilled, reinfection occurs and the development cycle of pinworms repeats.
The most common route of infection with pinworms contact-household. Compliance with personal hygiene measures will avoid infection and new invasions.
Conditions for the death of parasites
Under normal conditions, pinworm eggs retain their viability outside the human body for up to 1 month. Very comfortable they feel under dirty nails. A sharp change in temperature and humidity can kill them. Experts have studied the temperature at which pinworm eggs die. The gradation of the ratio of temperature and time of death is as follows:
- at - 400C for 3 hours;
- at - 300C for 6 hours;
- at - 250C for 72 hours;
- at - 180C for 96 hours;
- at + 500C for 10 min;
- at + 600C for 5 min;
- at + 700C for 30 sec.
When boiling (1000C) helminth eggs die instantly. And low temperatures disinfect meat and fish. Vegetables also become harmless after the application of deep freezing. Destroy helminth eggs on toys, carpets, linen can simply carry them out for several hours in the winter on the street.
Worm eggs die from high temperature when washing, ironing, steaming things, or cooking.
It is not enough to dry the laundry in the sun. Studies have shown that ultraviolet rays do not cause the death of helminth eggs. Therefore, when asked if a quartz lamp kills pinworm eggs, the answer is no. Requires ironing on both sides.
How to detect infection with pinworm eggs
The size of the laid eggs does not allow to consider them independently. It is possible to suspect the presence of pinworm eggs in children due to itching in the anus. Confirm the presence of pinworms will allow only laboratory tests.
Sent for analysis of feces may not confirm infection with pinworms. Since it does not contain their eggs, and adults are not always found. For a more accurate diagnosis, you must take a scraping from the skin in the anus.
On the folds in the anus applied a piece of adhesive tape and tightly pressed. Then the adhesive tape with adhering biomaterial is placed in a clean container and handed over to the laboratory. Take a sample for analysis should be immediately after waking up to the toilet and hygienic procedures.
One passed sample does not guarantee an accurate result. The analysis must be repeated at least three times with a break in the day. In special lab conditions, scraping is taken with a cotton swab with glycerin or a medical spatula. Detection of pinworm eggs in the sample fully confirms the diagnosis of enterobiasis.
On a note!
In addition to scraping, a blood test can confirm the presence of worms in the body. Detection of an increased number of eosinophils confirms the presence in the blood of harmful waste products of worms. The analysis of helminth eggs clarifies the type of worms.
Consequences of the disease
Anxiety, itching in the anus, scratching on the child's bottom are talking about his infection with helminthiasis. It is urgently necessary to pass tests and begin treatment.
A delay or refusal of treatment can cause allergies and intoxication of a weakened child’s body.The overgrown colony of worms depletes, poisons with waste products, damages the intestinal membrane of the host. Without timely, qualified care, the child may die.
Adults may also experience irregularities in the urogenital and gastrointestinal systems. Failure of the immune system will cause general weakness and malaise.
Early treatment will allow you to avoid many complications and maintain health.
Enterobiasis treatment
The optimal treatment regimen for enterobiosis, taking into account the degree of infection and contraindications, will be helped by a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. Can be used as medication, and folk therapy.
Drug treatment
Removal of pinworms with medical preparations is the most reliable and fast treatment method. The course is usually from 1 to 5 days. Most often, antiparasitic drugs such as Vermox, Pirantel, Piperazine, Helmintox, Levamisol, Dekaris are prescribed by doctors.
Reception of these funds kills worms, but does not remove toxins. Therefore, during antihelminthic therapy, sorbents are additionally prescribed to cleanse the body and vitamins forrestore immune and other systems.
The treatment regimen, the type of drug and its dosage should be prescribed by the doctor. Usually the course is carried out in two stages with a break of 2 weeks. Treatment is mandatory for all family members who have been in contact with the pinworm patient.
All anthelmintic drugs are contraindicated and prescription. Application without a doctor's prescription is not recommended.
Treatment by folk methods
No less successful as a result of traditional medicine. Especially if there are contraindications for taking synthetic drugs. Traditional methods of treatment can be used to kill pinworms and their eggs, not only in adults but also in children. Their use for pregnant and lactating women is harmless.
The most popular recipes for anthelmintic drugs using wormwood, tansy, celandine, onion, garlic, pumpkin seeds. They are used for making decoctions, tinctures, ointments, enemas. Folk remedies are available, safe and have a very high therapeutic effect.
Methods of non-drug therapy
To completely cure pinworms and prevent reinfection, in addition to taking antiparasitic drugs, hygiene requirements are required:
- regular hand washing with soap, especially after the street, toilet, playing with animals;
- timely haircut and nail cleaning;
- daily replacement and washing in hot water of bed linen;
- underwear change in the morning and in the evening;
- compulsory ironing of washing items with an iron at the highest possible temperature;
- treatment with hot steam upholstered furniture, carpets, toys;
- mandatory water treatment with soap in the morning and at night;
- whenever possible, restriction of access to the anus for the child to prevent skin scratching and the spread of parasite eggs.
It is very important to wean the child from the habit of biting his nails or pulling his fingers in the mouth, otherwise infection with pinworms cannot be avoided. Not in vain in the people this disease is called the disease of dirty hands.
Pinworm eggs are not very viable. With the implementation of simple rules and recommendations from them, you can quickly get rid of and break the chain of development of parasites. A timely visit to the doctor will be the key to a quick recovery.