The best drugs for the treatment of Giardia in adults

Giardiasis is widespread in the world. It is caused by parasites from the simplest organisms, which are called Giardia. Every year a large number of people, both adults and children, get sick. Constantly in pharmacies, there are more and more new drugs for Giardia.They are used as basic or auxiliary means. It is best to ask for medical help immediately if you suspect this ailment, but it will also be useful to orient in the medicines for Giardia in adults.

Principles of treatment

The main principle of treatment of giardiasis is the use of a set of tools and activities. Therefore, drugs for the treatment of Giardia in adults, which are used in the therapeutic process, belong to different groups of drugs. In addition to the use of medicines, patients should change their lifestyle and diet, and also pay attention to preventive measures aimed at preventing relapse. All of the above is included in the treatment of parasitosis caused by Giardia.


It is necessary to treat giardia in three stages. On each of them, certain groups of drugs are used and medical measures characteristic for this stage are carried out.

First stage drugs

The first stage of the treatment of Giardia, which is also called preparatory, is of great importance for the whole therapy. If the body is not prepared, the destruction of lamblia will cause poisoning of the body and lead to irreversible consequences.This is confirmed by reviews of patients who neglected preparatory treatment or did not perform it well enough.

The first step is to change the usual diet. It is necessary to limit the carbohydrates that create favorable conditions for the parasites, and to increase the number of meals for permanent biliary excretion.

Sorbents in the treatment of giardiasis
Sorbents in the treatment of giardiasis

In addition to the diet, certain groups of drugs are used, which should bring the body into relative order before expelling Giardia from it. The best drugs at this stage are sorbents. These include Smekta, Polisorb, Enterosgel and others. It is also required to restore the work of the gallbladder. Effective remedies for adults are listed below.

  1. Smekta - has a natural origin. Absorbing and removing toxins lamblia from the body, at the same time is the basis for colonization of beneficial microflora.
  2. Itomed - contains as the main ingredient itoprid hydrochloride, which leads to the tonus of the gallbladder and intestinal muscles.
  3. Motilium - helps to speed up the digestion of food and remove it from the stomach, normalizes peristalsis and eliminates nausea and abdominal pain.
  4. Festal, Mezim - improve the digestion procedure and are prescribed if necessary.

On a note!

The preparatory period lasts from 7 to 28 days. It is in direct dependence on the patient's condition and neglect of giardiasis.

Second stage drugs

Tablets of Giardia in adults begin to be applied from the second stage of treatment. Now there is a direct destruction of parasites. For this purpose, preparations from lamblia from three drug groups are used. Medicines are antibacterial. The best result can be achieved using at the same time means for treating giardiasis from two different groups.

Nitroimidazole Remedies

Preparations against Giardia from this group are antimicrobial drugs created by synthetic means. They damage the DNA replication process, inhibit the respiratory response and stop the intracellular protein synthesis in the parasite. Below are the most requested representatives of the group.

  1. Metronidazole. Medicament is one of the best remedies for giardiasis. Quickly begins its work after entering the patient. The drug is taken on one of the existing schemes, which selects the attending physician. This may be a daily intake or a reception every 3 days.
  2. Trichopol.This remedy for lamblia is similar in its action and composition to that described above, but unlike it, it is not indicated for small children. It is taken three times a day.
  3. Ornidazole. One of the most effective drugs that are used today for the treatment of Giardia. The drug is highly effective. Of the side effects when taking may cause pain in the head, taste disturbances, drowsiness.
Nitroimidazole Anti-Giardia Remedies
Nitroimidazole Anti-Giardia Remedies

Nitrofuran medications

This type of synthetic antibacterial medication is used to treat acute giardiasis in the presence of complications. It may be an intestinal infection or an inflammatory process. As a result of treatment with these drugs, the processes of respiration and synthesis of microorganisms are inhibited.

  1. Furazolidone is an ambiguous drug. Some doctors claim that Giardia is resistant to it. Also disagree and patient reviews. Recommended to take the drug four times a day, for a total of five days.
  2. Macmiror. Means after ingestion is metabolized in muscle and liver tissue.It can penetrate through the barrier of the placenta and appear in the composition of breast milk. It is not recommended prescription of drugs for lamblia future and lactating mothers. The treatment is carried out according to a scheme that the attending physician selects individually. His choice affects the weight, age and degree of neglect of the disease.


This group of drugs affects the reactions of biological and chemical type that occur inside Giardia, and causes the death of parasites. Drugs are well tolerated by man, being both highly effective means in the fight against Giardia.

  1. Zentep. It is taken once. Not assigned to pregnant women and children. The essence of the impact on Giardia is to stop the life processes of the parasites.
  2. Albendazole. Qualitatively affects both the moving form of giardia and its cyst. It shows the best results in treatment. Tablets are taken once a day for five days. There are recommendations for pre-taking Metronidazole to achieve the best result.
Benzimidazoles against Giardia
Benzimidazoles against Giardia

Combined options

All drugs that are part of the combined group of medicines, have a wide impact spectrum. They are used to treat Giardia most actively.

  1. Vermox. At its core, it is a drug for worms, which is often used to treat giardiasis. Mebendazole, which is part of the drug, blocks the reaction of glucose metabolism. It is the main source of energy reserves of the parasite, therefore, the absence of it leads to the death of Giardia. There are certain regimens prescribed by a doctor individually.
  2. Pyrantel Causes rapid paralysis in lamblia, which are then naturally excreted from the body. Effective drug at any stage of giardiasis. The drug has a high safety, which makes it possible to apply it not only in adults, but also in pediatric practice.
  3. Liumblia tablets in the liver are Hofitol or Allohol. The first of them is of plant origin and restores damaged liver cells, also regulating fat metabolism. The drug can be applied in tablet and injectable form. The second remedy activates bile flow and eliminates bloating.With giardiasis, both are used throughout the month, 2 tablets three times a day.
  4. Intetrix. It is produced in the form of capsules, which are recommended to take two pieces twice a day. A full course of treatment for giardiasis is 10 days. Not assigned to children and pregnant women.

Funds of the third stage

After living Giardia in the human body complete devastation. The intestinal microflora is destroyed, and the level of vitamins and trace elements is almost zero. Therefore, in the right treatment there must be a recovery stage, the duration and intensity of which is determined by how long and difficult, how the main treatment took place. The main drugs of this period are probiotics and vitamin complexes. Immunomodulating agents will not be superfluous. Which of the listed medications, and to what extent the patient will need, is decided by the attending physician.

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